Sdk Build Tools 21.1.1
Android Studio was not able to connect to internet in my work PC due to Intranet Proxy/Firewall settings, changing the proxy settings didnt help me either. Steeplechase Training Program. Android studio was failing to run as it requires to install the above mentioned packages. As a work around I installed the packages from Android SDK Manager and it solved it.
You can find the SDK Manager under C: Users AppData Local Android sdk SDK Manager.exe In the GUI choose the following options whichever is relavant. • Tools->All Android SDK Build-tools and SDK Platform-tools under version 21.* • Everything under Android 5.0.1(API 21) • Everything under Extras After installation is complete try launching the Android Studio. Adding to answer by @Erfan, If you are using automatic configuration script instead of a proxy server, Change the settings as below: C: Users 'Your account'.AndroidStudio config options other.xml Then change the line about proxy configurations like this.
In addition to general bug fixes, this release includes the following updates: • Updates apksigner to version 0.8: • Compatibility with Java 9. () • New --pass-encoding parameter to handle keystores and keys that are encrypted using non-ASCII passwords. If you switch to Java 9 and apksigner fails to decrypt your keystore or key, use this parameter to specify the character encoding you used to create the keystore or key. For more information, see the or run apksigner sign --help from the commandline. • Better error message when apksigner can't verify a JAR signature due to an unsupported digest or signature algorithm. () • Support for AAPT2 daemon mode when using or higher. In addition to general bug fixes, this release restores apksigner to the build tools package (it was omitted by mistake in version 26.0. Save Game Undercover Pc. 0) and includes the following updates to the tool: • Adds PKCS #11 support to allow signing with keys held in secure hardware.