Visual Foxpro To Visual Basic .net Ebook
Jun 24, 2016 [PDF] Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic.NET [Read] Full EbookRead and Dowload Now Buy, download and read Visual FoxPro to Visual Basic.NET ebook online in PDF format for iPhone, iPad, Android, Computer and Mobile readers. Author: Les Pinter. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic. PowerPoint, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic.NET Version 2003 eBook.
Sir most of the books only teach wizard. I wanted to write a program for the below. But i did not find any book which will guide me to do that. I have a table invoice.dbf, prdmas.dbf, freeissue.dbf,points.dbf i want to have a grid.
One column of grid accepts rate and depending on rate product should be selected in next column of grid. Rate, prodcode and prodname stored in prdmas.dbf. Then i should be able to type in qty in third column. Then i should be able to select type of sale in 4th column. The type of sale are regualr, exchange, regualr with free. If i select exchange i should popup a window which displays exchange product and amount given for that.
If i select regular with free, the pop should be free product code and free product name and allow for selection. Then 5th column should display combo box which has got discount% for that product. Sixth column should be (qty*rate)-(discount+exchangeamt).
And the grid should accept n number of items. Finally done when i cick on save button the record should be append to invoice. Dell Precision T5400 Windows 7 64 Bit Drivers. dbf. The form should also generate invoice number. The form should also ask invoice date and pointcode. The form should also give 25 points for entering into sale and subsequently give one point for every Rs. Of the total amount. And all these things should be saved to invocie.dbf, points.dbf.
The form should finally have payment options cash, credit card, pointamt. Freeissue stores prodcode and prodname and freeprodcode,freeprodname discount.dbf stores prodcode, prodname, discount% points.dbf stores pointcode,pointname and points. (each point = 1 rs.) every book (for eg. Special edition using visual foxpro 6.0) just teaches how to ceate a grid for a particular table and mostly uses wizard.